Here I go again.

Hello again. Do I know what I’m getting into creating another blog that I’ll probably start each post with “it’s been ____ weeks/months/years since my last post”?  Do I still even remember how to manage a blog?!

Sure why not.

I’ve been wanting to get back into documenting about slice of life and other miscellaneous topics now that I’m a stay at home mom. I just didn’t have the time with a baby attached to my hip and a corgi wanting to play all the time. Things have settled down (sort of) and I *think* I can manage to blog again. But, my apologies in advance for scattered posts.

I think it’s perfect timing since I started my new journey to seeking simplicity in my life (specifically in fashion, make up and skin care. I hope to do home interior too, but we’re working on that).

I have also wanted to break free from the convenience of posting through Instagram. I really do miss blogging!

So, this is more-so for me. And you, if you choose to stay. 😌


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