William Turns 9 Months Old

No one jokes around when they say that time flies by in a blink of an eye. My son is now 9 months old today! 3 more months till his big 1 year. Took pics with his favorite bear, Rilakkuma. I got these stuffed animals back in 2011-2013 when I was very much into Rilakkuma. I'm glad he enjoys them now.

 I'm so amazed at how much he has grown so far, I can't wait to see what's in store. At this stage he loves standing himself up, taking a few steps while standing, crawling and climbing over everything, "talking", reading his books, dancing and clapping to music, playing in the water, and feeding himself. He already has one tooth fully out, and two peeking out. Teething has been exhausting so far. Can't wait for that phase to be over with.

I always find myself researching about what his schedule should look like (however old he is at the time) to make sure he's on track. I always remember that every baby is different and not to be too discouraged if it's not what I seem to see from other moms. Fortunately, like his me, William seems to be a creature of habit. This helps out a TON. It helps me plan my day so that I can do things I need to do. Of course, he's still a baby who is growing. That means he CAN stray away from our schedule and can be pretty unpredictable. Just gotta go with the flow!

If any other mama's out there curious to see what William's schedule has been like at 8 months, it went a little something like this:

0600-0700: Wake up/bottle feed
0700-0800: Playtime
0800-0815: Morning walk with Ollie
0815-0830: Playtime
0830-0900: Eat solids
0900-1000: Morning Nap
*this part depends on if we leave the house*
1015-1030: Wake up/Change to leave the house
1030-1130: Playtime
1130-1200: Bottle feed

*Sometimes he'll take an afternoon nap, sometimes he won't*
1300-1330: Eat Solids
1400-1420: Playtime
1420-1445: Dad comes home, we take Ollie out to the yard and play
1445-1515: Playtime with Dad, Dad gives William a shower
1530-1600: Bottle feed

1600-1700: Playtime with Dad
1700-1730: Eat Solids, take his multivitamin
1730-1800: More playtime with Dad
1800-1900: Wind it down for bedtime
1900: Sleep


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